Monday, 11 August 2014

What is the One Thing No One can Take From You?

   The other day I was driving along to work and someone blatantly cut me off, there was one thing going through my are not going to take my joy.   In this life we have people who are very eager to get their way even at the expense of others.  So when we experience these people in certain situations we get tense and angry.  What if you started telling yourself that these individuals will not be permitted to ruin your thoughts and feelings?  Imagine how peaceful and happy you would remain.
   I've heard it said that life is short, but in reality life is long just remind yourselves of the the nasty bits such as dentist check-ups, bill payments, tough situations at work, etc.  Now is the time for us to get up and proclaim that no matter what goes on through the day we are going to remain excited and joyful because we know that no matter what happens, how we feel on the inside is dictated by us and no one else.  We lose loved ones, have tough days at work and even get conflicts in our schedules that don't allow us to do what we really want to do.  With all that in mind isn't it better to embrace where you are and let yourself know that you will remain joyful regardless of your circumstances.
    What was Scrooge's biggest problem?  It was that he was so concerned with work and the almighty dollar that he forgot how great the gift of life could be.  I would trade one day of happiness for a thousand days of stressed out I need money type of living.  Its been said look at the birds in the air,  they don't receive a pay cheque every two weeks but continue living everyday chirping away in their own beautiful world.  Next time you are tempted to neglect your true self for what may be swaying you to believe that what you need is more than what is in you, please remember the one thing you have that no one can take away, your joy.
      Life is what you choose to make it.  Ask yourself the question "Am I more important than that person beside me that's why I have to cut them off?"  No matter what comes your way always remember to never lose your joy.  Don't be the person cutting people off either because honestly we are all living the same life and anywhere you need to be is just as important as the individual beside you.

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