Friday, 6 May 2011

Choose joy

There is a commercial that I've watched a couple of times during these NHL playoffs by Bud Light.  In this commercial it shows the difference between the guy who says "I'm in" and the guy who says "I'm out". Its obvious who the more responsible one is.  I'm not about to knock having fun but rather embracing responsibility.
The difference between fun and joy is simply this, fun is temporary and joy is everlasting.  Each step we take is a step towards the future and with these steps comes a responsibility for the direction we're heading.  While coming home at four in the morning after an intense night (sometimes) I'll admit is fun, but not so much if you have a seven o'clock shift the next day.  Being aware that we have sort of deceived ourselves into thinking that we can't have the same amount of fun at 11AM as we can at 11PM is where we get stuck.  This is where joy comes in, knowing that we don't have to wait for Friday night to experience the joy of fun.
Do you remember when we were children, say around seven years old?  How was it that we were able to experience such happiness without relying on a crazy night out partying and drinking.  It was because we were content to allow ourselves to enjoy every moment of the day.  What this Bud Light commercial fails to tell us is that "I'm in" is now 35 years old hanging out with a new generation of "I'm in" who are ten years younger.  Eventually the other "I'm ins" had the thought in there mind that the true fun in their life was waking up with their partner and planning a great day with their family because that is where the true fun is.
What I'm saying is that fun is being able to experience every moment of our lives knowing that eleven in the morning can provide as much fun as eleven at night if we allow ourselves to experience the joy of embracing life and responsibility.  Are you having fun? I am because saying "I'm out" has allowed me to have a fresh mind today without thinking wow that night was repetitive(possibly regretful), because we all know after awhile they are.  Let us encourage each other to choose joy because we all know that is where true fun stems from.

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