Thursday, 5 May 2011

Love wins

 With or without Love which is better?  Before we answer that question we have to first acknowledge that the latter is easier.  This world has the ability to help abolish our true love through competition, greed, violence and the overall yearning for ourselves to be thought of in a sense of importance.  Honestly and truly we want to be viewed for all the "good" things we do. Is it a stretch to say that we need acknowledgement to continue to do the right things? 
 Underestimating the power that lies in unselfishness and the connection it has with the true love inside of us is a dangerous proposition.  True love is an act of complete giving of oneself over to the understanding of what we truly should be after, a clear conscience and a righteous conviction.  There has been moments in our life journey where we have recognized our selfishness and felt a tug of our heart saying you know what you should have done. Here is where our problem lies, the more we brush off the convictions of what we should have done or should be doing we are beginning to sweep love under the rug.  Without a clean room for love to reside it becomes lost in the shuffle of our everyday being.
  In philosophical context, love is a virtue "representing all" of human kindness, compassion, and affection.  When we choose love we do so with the understanding that we are not the primary benefactors but rather contributing to the betterment of all.  Buddhist belief states that "Love dispels hatred", we need to recognize whether you are a Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or not a believer in any form of religion or God there is a way to contribute to the world we're living in and that is through unselfishly choosing love.  In a world where we are faced with poverty, natural disasters, sickness, greed, violence we still have a choice to choose love. Why would we decide to unselfishly choose love, because through all the rain and pain love wins! 

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